Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Amputee Surfing

Surfing has always been something Ive always wanted to try! Ever since I can remember going to my first beach and seeing people surf I wanted to give it a go.  So I came to thinking how people with physical disabilities or amputees are able to surf.  I cam across this website which is the AmpSurf Association and it's a non-profit organization made up of amputees, veterans, friends and families of disabled.  They are solely dependent on donations to keep this association up and running.  Their main goal is to promote, inspire, educate, rehabilitate people with disabilities, especially our veteran heroes through adaptive surfing.  One in five Americans struggle with a life long disability and nearly two million men and women have served our country overseas and coming home and looking for ways to feel good again.  Whether they are an amputee, blind, suffer from PTSD, have quadriplegia or TBI this association is looking to help those people.  AmpSurf offers a unique program to bring the healing power of the ocean and adaptive surfing together for an experience that is both mentally and physically one of the rehabilitating.  They also offer clinics and lessons for a majority of people who don't know how to surf.  This is a great non-profit organization that truly wants to make a difference not only for amputees but for any populations or veteran. 


Wheelchair Rugby

I ran across this sport of wheelchair rugby and it caught my eye because I would've never thought it would be possible and there is actually a US Quad Rugby Association.  Wheelchair rugby is played indoors on a hardwood court.
The rules of the game are kind of similar to wheelchair basketball, or ice hockey.  Its actually played with a volleyball on a basketball sized court.  The  object of the game is to cross the goal line with possession of the ball, the team with the most points when time runs out wins.  Quad rugby is a full contact sport but no personal contact is allowed like punching, slapping, scratching, or biting is allowed.  Penalties are enforced and are time deducted just like the game of hockey.  It looks like a pretty intense sport for more information head to their website!!


Wheelchair Dancing

The American DanceWheels is an artistic organization that trains people with disabilities and their able-bodied partners different types of dances.  Melinda Kremer and Ray Leight are the creators of American DanceWheels.  They have been developing and performing wheelchair dances for almost five years now.  They have received national recognition for their innovative style, artistry, and presentation.  These two are actually the first and current wheelchair dance champions.  Melinda got started with wheelchair dancing when her daughter became physically disabled and needed to use a wheelchair where she then met Ray.  Ray also needed to use a wheelchair from a past accident he had.  With both of their athleticism and support for each other they formed the perfect team.  They have traveled throughout the country promoting wheelchair dancing so that people with and without wheelchairs realize everyone and anyone can dance despite them being in a wheelchair.  You can use either a manual wheelchair or a power wheelchair the sky's the limit!
After trying wheelchair dancing in class it is a blast!  It takes a lot of hard work and talent but it comes to show that anyone can dance whether they can walk or not. 

Here is the website for the American DanceWheels Foundation:

Here is a short YouTube clip I really enjoyed on a wheelchair dance competition:

Just Dance!

In this generation a new gaming system has come out that has opened a world of new technology and gaming techniques.  The Wii was introduced as not only a gaming system but also as a therapeutic intervention.  Nursing homes and other facilities are starting to integrate them into their facilities.  They can be very beneficial to any age and population for either means of exercise or entertainment.
Just Dance is a game for the Wii that is all about dancing and following the moves that scroll across the screen.  Its a music and rhythm video game that allows you to escape your daily routines by mixing it up with a little dance.  This is a very innovative game because you don't have to necessarily be standing to dance and do the moves.  The controller is the sensor and you hold it in your hand so even people who are in wheelchairs can dance and have a good time too!  This dancing video game can be used for exercise to get your heart pumping and to have a good time while doing it, or it can be used to get people out of their shell.  When you are in the mode and mindset of the game everyone looks silly doing it and it can boost your self-esteem.  This is something I would like to see incorporated in more facilities for different populations.  Its a very easy thing to facilitate you pick and song and pull it up on a big screen and many people can dance along!  The thing i thought was pretty cool is they even have it available on YouTube now so you don't even need the Wii and controllers, which makes this activity a fun and cheap therapeutic activity!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Wheelchair accessible Swings

There are many types of swings out there but one type of swing I found very innovative was the wheelchair accessible swing.  I noticed this swing at camp and it was pretty cool because I've never got to see one before.  Its a metal platform with front and rear ramps for the wheelchair to get up then the ramps are folded up and the wheel chair is locked in place.  It gives individuals who are in wheelchairs a chance to do a very basic thing such as swinging.  Its an activity that most people enjoy its very relaxing and it gives you a chance to think.  I feel this would a great modification for all parks to have because most parks these days aren't wheelchair accessible.  So having a swing set with a wheelchair accessible swing would be the first step in right direction for a leisure pastime that is accessible to everyone.


A new bicylce design was created for people with disabilities to ride the bike more independently.  Disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual Disabilities, and Acquired Brain Injuries can affect basic motor functions such as balance and strength, hindering their ability to operate a bike as an individual.  This specific bike helps support the rider by helping them balance.  This design also instills confidence so that they can ride the bike without any assistance.  This design looks very mainstream and modern.  This bike helps increase the riders self-esteem and encourages them to be more active in society.  This specific type of bike looks like a normal bike but it has two slanted wheels in the back for stability. 

There are also several other types of innovative bikes for people with disabilities.  Another type of bike is one where there are arm pedals that move the bike rather than foot pedals.  This specific type benefits people who are paraplegic and don't have leg control so they use their arms.  There also is another type where there is a seat in front of the bike for an individual who can't physically bike, to be able to sit in the front for the feeling like their biking but someone else actually is behind them.  

Here is the link for adaptive bikes!

Innovative Hula Hooping

After Ally came to our class and talked to us about her passion for hula hooping we came to talking about different ways of hooping for different people.  It got me thinking how innovative that is, that you just don't need to hula hoop around your hips.  You can hoop around your arm, neck, or someone can simulate hooping around your wheelchair.  This is a great activity that anyone can benefit from and have a good time!  The hula hoop is a really simple toy that can be modified and you can use it in many ways.  It can benefit and entertain many populations.