Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just Dance!

In this generation a new gaming system has come out that has opened a world of new technology and gaming techniques.  The Wii was introduced as not only a gaming system but also as a therapeutic intervention.  Nursing homes and other facilities are starting to integrate them into their facilities.  They can be very beneficial to any age and population for either means of exercise or entertainment.
Just Dance is a game for the Wii that is all about dancing and following the moves that scroll across the screen.  Its a music and rhythm video game that allows you to escape your daily routines by mixing it up with a little dance.  This is a very innovative game because you don't have to necessarily be standing to dance and do the moves.  The controller is the sensor and you hold it in your hand so even people who are in wheelchairs can dance and have a good time too!  This dancing video game can be used for exercise to get your heart pumping and to have a good time while doing it, or it can be used to get people out of their shell.  When you are in the mode and mindset of the game everyone looks silly doing it and it can boost your self-esteem.  This is something I would like to see incorporated in more facilities for different populations.  Its a very easy thing to facilitate you pick and song and pull it up on a big screen and many people can dance along!  The thing i thought was pretty cool is they even have it available on YouTube now so you don't even need the Wii and controllers, which makes this activity a fun and cheap therapeutic activity!

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